February 19 - 21
What a Difference a Day Makes...or an Hour!
We had quite the week at nature preschool! The children are learning to be flexible with what the day brings and it really all depends on the weather. It also depends on the children's comfort in the cold. We had a short week this week. Two days were very cold and had more indoor time. We had a big warm up for Friday though and we think everyone appreciated it!
Thursday's group has a discussion at snack time about what we noticed at school. Director Alyson records nature kid answers.
We look down at Beaver Beach, which is completely submerged in the river flood.
Autumn balances on his knees to move steadily across the bridge to the other side of the creek. Mouse watches and waits for her turn to try.
Play-doh fun to help us warm up on a cold, cold morning.
Friday's class headed outside with the goal of making it to Beaver Meadow again. As we walked, we noticed a lot of flooding. Beaver Beach, a favorite play area, is totally under water. As we played near Beaver Meadow, the nature kids heard a loud scraping noise coming from the river. We saw large sheets of ice moving fast and then our bridge to Fire Island (a new play area across Beaver Creek in the meadow) flooded, with us still on the island. Thanks to some fast acting nature kids, a new bridge was constructed and we were saved! Friday's installment of nature preschool will go down in history as one of the best, most epic days yet (at least for the teachers present)!